City Gets $230k for Fishing Pier Design

The Great Lakes Fishery Trust has approved $232,000 in funding to design a public fishing pier at the mouth of the Boardman River in downtown Traverse City. A pier was identified as a high priority in several public planning and visioning processes, including the city's Bayfront Plan completed in 2010.

"A primary goal of the plan and design is to ensure that people of all ages, needs and abilities are able to access and enjoy our Bay and waterfront in ways that have not been possible in the past," says City Manager Jered Ottenwess.

He adds that the project should address concerns that have been expressed involving potential conflicts between pier anglers and boaters who use the river outlet to access the bay, the deposition of sediment around a pier structure and universal access to the pier.

One of the first steps after the consultant has been hired will be to define any public questions and concerns during the planning and design process.