Free E-Waste Drive Offered For Earth Day

In honor of Earth Day, Honor Bank and Safety Net will host an e-waste drive April 22 and 23 in downtown Traverse City at the Honor Bank branch at 430 South Union Street.

Individuals and businesses are invited to bring their e-waste for recycling at no cost. Many computer and electronics components have the potential to release elements such as lead, cadmium, and mercury into soil and groundwater. Proper disposal and recycling “virtually eliminate the potential for health and environmental hazards,” according to a release from the two companies. “E-waste also contains valuable scrap metals, which help to conserve natural resources by reducing the need for new mining activity.”

The first 100 people to recycle their e-waste at the event will receive a native Michigan pine seedling for planting. Safety Net will also be available to pick up e-waste from businesses upon request April 22 and 23.