Housing Summit Next Month

The 2017 Northwest Michigan Housing Summit will bring together community leaders, businesses, housing agencies and funders on Oct. 16 at the Hagerty Center. The event will feature a presentation by Laurie Volk of the market research firm Zimmerman Volk Associates, focusing on the region’s population dynamics and their impact on housing and retail markets. Bob Filka, CEO of the Home Builders Association of Michigan, will share highlights from a report detailing the challenges builders face in meeting Michigan’s housing needs, and potential solutions.

Other topics on will include discussions on the impact of statewide policy on housing at the local level and what to do about it; accessing capital for new development in small cities and rural communities; getting a community ready for development; and creative affordable housing options for region’s housing needs. Tickets for the summit, which will run from 9am to 4pm, are $50. Register prior to Sept. 25 for $40. For more information or to register, click here or call 929-5077.