Local Church To Host Community Discussion About Authoritarianism And Democracy

The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Grand Traverse (UUCGT) will host a video screening and community discussion next week pertaining to authoritarianism and democracy.

Scheduled for Wednesday, October 9 and set to begin a 4pm, the event will include a viewing of a TED Talk by Ian Bassin, an attorney who formerly served as associate White House counsel for the Barack Obama Administration. Bassin now leads Protect Democracy, a nonpartisan nonprofit organization with a mission to “prevent our democracy from declining into a more authoritarian form of government.” Last November Bassin gave a TED Talk called “How to spot authoritarianism — and choose democracy,” in which he discusses “the seven steps of the authoritarian playbook.”

UUCGT will screen Bassin’s 16-minute TED Talk, after which facilitator Mike Radke will lead a group discussion intended to provide attendees with “the opportunity to reflect on the themes of the talk and share their perspectives in an open and welcoming environment.” Radke is a coordinator with Braver Angels, a national organization that formed in late 2016 under the belief that something had to be done to prevent political polarization from “crippling America, threatening our democracy, and making our government dysfunctional.”

The discussion is expected to last until 5pm, after which guests are “invited to join an optional potluck dinner.” Those interested in participating in that part of the evening are asked to “bring a dish to share, your own place setting, and enjoy an evening of community, thoughtful conversation, and delicious food.”

Beyond food contributions, the event is free and open to the public. It will take place at UUCGT, located on Old Mission Peninsula, at 6726 Center Road.