MDOT Begins $4.4 Million US-31 Project In Grawn
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is beginning work on a $4.4 million project this week to repave and widen nearly 2.5 miles of US-31 from east of Sullivan Road to M-37 (Chums Corner).
When complete, the section of US-31 will include a new center left-turn lane, as well as new concrete curb and gutter sections, culverts, drainage improvements, and water main replacements. This project also includes closing and creating a cul-de-sac for the Curtis Road intersection with US-31, realigning the Sawyer Road intersection with US-31, and new pavement markings and signs.
During most of construction, two-lane, two-way traffic will be maintained, with some intermittent single-lane closures with traffic regulators required. Work will begin with utility relocation work that will only require shoulder closures. The project is expected to be completed by mid-August. Road construction is considered an essential service and is exempted under Michigan's current "Stay Home Stay Safe" executive order.