Whooping Cough Cases Continue To Grow

A whooping cough outbreak that began at Grand Traverse Academy almost two weeks ago has now generated 10 confirmed cases and 167 probable cases of the disease, according to the Grand Traverse County Health Department. In addition, five other confirmed cases have been identified in the community, including three at Traverse City Area Public Schools (TCAPS) schools: two at Westwoods Elementary School and one at Traverse City West Senior High School.

Of the 15 confirmed cases, the age range of the victims is 4 months to 44 years old. 10 of the 15 cases involve individuals who were either not vaccinated or not up-to-date on their vaccinations when they contracted the disease. Health officials are continuing to recommend that both children and adults in the community get up-to-date on their immunizations, and that families with children who are ill or those who are close contacts with someone who is ill complete a full course of antibiotics prophylactics.

Health officials state children should receive the DTaP vaccine against whooping cough (also called pertussis) at two, four, six and 15 months and again between the ages of four and six years old. Starting at age 11, all children should receive a single dose of vaccine. Finally, all adults over the age of 19 need a one-time booster against the disease.

"Whooping cough vaccines are effective, but do not last as long as we like," the Grand Traverse County Health Department said in a statement Friday. "Getting whooping cough or a whooping cough vaccine (either as a child or an adult) does not protect you for a lifetime." However, the Health Department estimates the vaccination protects against whooping cough in 7 out of 10 people who receive it, and protects the other three against serious disease.

"If you get the vaccine and still get whooping cough, you will have fewer coughing fits, shorter illness and be less likely to suffer from disease complications," said the Health Department. "(But) if someone is around someone who is actively coughing with pertussis, and is not vaccinated, they are very likely to get it."