Airport To Add Direct Summer Service To Dallas Ft. Worth
Jan. 10, 2017
Cherry Capital Airport will begin offering direct flights to Dallas Ft. Worth this summer, airport officials announced Monday.
Beginning June 2 and lasting through the summer season, American Airlines will offer direct inbound and outbound service between Traverse City (TVC) and Dallas Ft. Worth (DFW). Flights will depart DFW daily at 10:50am and arrive at TVC at 2:40pm, with the aircraft leaving TVC at 3:35pm and arriving at DFW at 5:30pm. Envoy will operate service between DFW and TVC with an ERJ-175 aircraft with Wi-Fi.
The new service will add approximately 12,000 seats to the market. According to Cherry Capital Airport, airport and American Airlines officials are working together to "make it easier for customers traveling from the Southwest region of the United States to the Traverse City community."
“This new daily direct, dual class flight continues to show the commitment on behalf of American Airlines in growing our service," said Airport Director Kevin Klein in a statement. "It is ever so clear that our job as a community is to promote, use, and support the service."