Biden Wins Michigan, Including Grand Traverse County
By Beth Milligan | March 11, 2020
Former Vice President Joe Biden swept the state of Michigan in Tuesday's presidential primary election, winning several northern Michigan counties in the process - including Grand Traverse County.
Poll numbers showed steady turnout in Grand Traverse County, with 26,257 of 77,839 registered voters casting ballots, or 33.73 percent. Tuesday's election was a closed primary, meaning voters had to choose either a Democratic or Republican ballot. In Grand Traverse County, 17,593 Democrats and 8,664 Republicans voted - a discrepancy likely attributable to the fact the Democratic nomination is still contested, while President Donald Trump is the clear Republican nominee.
Among Democrats in Grand Traverse County, 8,485 voted for Joe Biden, or 48.28 percent. That was followed by 6,814 votes cast for Senator Bernie Sanders, or 38.78 percent. Though Biden and Sanders are the only two viable candidates left in the Democratic race, other candidates still appeared on Tuesday's ballot - and received local votes. Michael Bloomberg received 926 votes in Grand Traverse County, while Pete Buttigieg earned 397 and Senator Elizabeth Warren 387. Amy Klobuchar received 220 votes, while another 150 voters labeled themselves "uncommitted."
Overall in Michigan, Biden earned 52.8 percent of the vote statewide as of press time, while Sanders won 37.6 percent. Bloomberg finished a distance third in four percent.
A vast majority of Republican voters in Grand Traverse County confirmed Trump as their nominee, with 7,982 votes cast for the president. Another 410 voters cast an "uncommitted" vote, while 110 voted for Bill Weld, 61 for Mark Sanford, and 57 for Joe Walsh.