Blue Cross Blue Shield Grants Nearly $37K To Local Groups
By Beth Milligan | Feb. 21, 2019
The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation granted nearly $37,000 in funding to two local organizations Thursday.
Foundation representatives gathered at Child & Family Services (CFS) of Northwestern Michigan Thursday afternoon to present a $25,000 check to CFS, as well as a $11,950 check to McLaren Northern Michigan Foundation. The funding is provided through the Foundation's community health matching program, which targets "community-based, nonprofit organizations in Michigan who use the funding to develop, test, or validate new techniques and programs to address the needs of its community members and produce a tangible effect in their lives," according to a release.
Grants focus on "improving access to care in an innovate way that empowers members of the community to use their health care more wisely and follow the protocol set by health care providers." The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation distributes more than $2 million in grant funding each year.