Chorus Heads For Top Of World
June 15, 2016
The Grand Traverse Show Chorus (GTSC) brought home some serious accolades recently – earning itself one of only five spots worldwide. The Chorus landed gold and silver medals from the Sweet Adelines International Regional Competition in Dearborn. The Regional first place gold medal was awarded in the Division A Small Chorus category (30 members or less), while the second place silver medal was awarded in the overall ranking of 15 competing choruses.
The group totaled 612 points for its performance, the highest score attained by GTSC in its 60-year history. It earned GTSC director Jill Watson the prestigious honor of “Master Director.” By virtue of its first place finish, the chorus qualified for one of five spots in the International a cappella finals, where it will be the First Place seed. The international competition will take place in Las Vegas, Nev., in October, 2017.
“This is a huge honor for the chorus and for the Traverse City community. I am receiving congratulations from around the globe. It’s an exciting time for us and we are thrilled to represent Traverse City,” said Watson. For the International competition the chorus will prepare a 15-minute themed package. It will be judged in four categories: Sound, music skills, expression, and showmanship.
Competing in the quartet competition was local favorite Sashay Quartet. It earned a silver medal for second place in the Quartet Competition among 12 competitors.
GTSC was chartered in 1954 with the purpose of providing an avenue for musical performance and education for women, and to promote and perpetuate the four-part a cappella barbershop style of music. Sweet Adelines International is one of the world’s largest singing organizations for women with membership of almost 25,000 across the globe.