Traverse City News and Events

Designs For West Front's 'City Lot' Unveiled

Nov. 10, 2015

What if the block that houses the Traverse City Fire Station on West Front Street someday looked like the rendering above?

Over the last several months, there have been a lot of "what if" discussions around the so-named “City Lot” property – which extends from the corner of Oak and West Front streets (across from Burritt's market) to the Little Bohemia restaurant. The city-owned property was one of seven places to receive a Michigan Municipal League (MML) PlacePlans grant to help the community design an area that supports "a strong sense of place."

The grant is in the form of a $50,000 investment, according to Luke Forrest of the MML, along with another $25,000 and staff time from the city.

The community input process got underway this summer when a chalkboard went up to solicit ideas. That corresponded with completion of the reconstructed $2.5 million West Front Street. The project quickly morphed to include the adjacent city fire station, the 520 W. Front office building that houses the county's Commission on Aging and MSU Extension and surrounding exterior spaces, explains Nate Elkins of Influence Design Forum and lead consultant on the process. 

City Planning Director Russ Soyring says he's been very pleased with the community engagement on the project.

"Lots of new faces and families with children, that you typically don't see at meetings," he says. "This is really refreshing."

Tonight (Tuesday), the culmination of this first phase of brainstorming will conclude when project committee members unveil three conceptual designs. The concepts are not action plans; there is no timeframe associated with them. They will be shared with government leaders as they decide about the future use, design and investments in the 500 block. The Ticker shares a preview below:

Alternative 1: Remodel It

• Fire station and attached office building would remain in current location with façade improvements and fire station would get minor interior upgrades to meet latest safety, security and energy codes.

• Minor site improvements, including removal of the parking along W. Front and replacing with a public plaza

• Add plaza space to the corner of West Front and Oak streets

City officials have said the fire station is out of room, with no place to expand.

Alternative 2: Civic Hub

• Tear down existing fire station and office building at 520 W. Front

• Construct new fire station on western edge of property; construct fire training tower to improve on-site staff training

• Construct Community Center: multi-use auditorium/gym, event space, offices, café

• Add three new plazas and park-like improvements at corner of West Front and Oak

This alternative would require significant financial investment and also would mean the county would have to relocate its Commission on Aging and MSU Extension offices. The city and the county have a lease arrangement that dates back to 1984, but no actual money changes hands, explains City Treasurer/Finance Director Bill Twietmeyer. It's essentially a 'space for space' agreement that today gives the Traverse City Police Department space in the Law Enforcement Center on Woodmere for county space in the 520 W. Front building.

Alternative 3: Private Development

• Tear down existing office building at 520 W. Front

• Western half of property split into 2 to 3 lots and sold

• Fire station remains in current location with façade improvement, minor interior upgrades

• Public plaza and walking added between fire station and proposed private development

• Park-like improvements added to the corner of W. Front and Oak St

One funding scenario has the proceeds from the sale of the lots used for public improvements; as in Alternative 2, the county would need to relocate offices.

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