East Bay Township Plans Safe Routes To School Forum
Nov. 13, 2020
The East Bay Township Safe Routes to School Team will be hosting a virtual public meeting for four schools in East Bay Township. Interested students, parents, and staff at East Middle School, Cherry Knoll, Grand Traverse Academy, Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton are encouraged to participate in a virtual meeting on Wed., November 18 from 4:30pm-6pm. Safe Routes to School is a national and state program to increase walking and biking to school along safe routes.
At the meeting, the project team will give a short presentation of the preliminary results of the walking audits, students and parent surveys, and students tallies. Attendees will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the action plan and help with prioritization of infrastructure improvements.
The Safe Routes to School action plan will be used to enhance safety on routes students walk or bike. One of the cornerstones of Safe Routes to School is the acknowledgement that safer walking and biking routes can best be accomplished through a combination of infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects and programs. These are known collectively as the “6 Es”: Education, Encouragement, Engineering, Enforcement, Evaluation, and Equity. These 6 Es will be used as the foundation for the action plan.
As part of the Safe Routes to School initiative, East Bay Township is seeking to improve pedestrian access to area schools in the vicinity of the 3 Mile Road and Hammond intersection. The Township has contracted with Prein & Newhof to assist the Township in applying for Safe Routes to School funding.
To register for the meeting, email here.