Traverse City News and Events

Fish Passage Project Tops Busy Commission Agenda

By Beth Milligan | Sept. 1, 2017

A detailed update on an experimental fish passage project planned for the Union Street dam will top a busy agenda for Traverse City commissioners Tuesday, who will also discuss the construction of a new $2.4 million water reservoir, renaming a section of Barlow Street, approving a public mural in the Open Space, and planting 130 new city trees this fall.

Fish Passage Project
An experimental fish passage project at Traverse City’s Union Street Dam (pictured) could provide groundbreaking scientific research on controlling invasive species while also introducing new landscaping elements, canoe and kayak portage options, and a public educational center to the property.

City commissioners last fall unanimously approved the bi-directional fish passage project, which is backed by $1.8 million in Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) funding. Traverse City was chosen from more than a dozen potential sites for construction of the experimental system, which will allow scientists to study how various technologies for deterring invasive species interact together. According to Dr. Andrew Muir, science director at the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, researchers have studied single preventative methods before – such as velocity barriers, electrical/light/alarm cue guidances, and ladder traps – but have not yet tested layering technologies to improve results.

“The novel part of this is integrating techniques…to see if there are increases in efficiencies,” Muir says. “Nobody’s done this before, putting a bunch of these technologies together.”

Muir will appear before commissioners Tuesday to update them on the proposed design for FishPass, as the system is called. Plans call for constructing a linear straight channel on the north side of the Boardman River for fish-sorting, which would feature multiple gates and technologies used to pass desirable fish through the system and either deter or remove invasive species, notably sea lampreys. The south side of the river, meanwhile, would feature a more naturalized channel. Engineering plans for the project are expected to be completed by December 2018, with construction set for 2019.

Scientists will continue to experiment with invasive species technologies and tweak FishPass until the system is optimized by 2026, at which point it will become fully operational for long-term use at the dam. Researchers hope lessons learned from the experiment can be applied at other locations throughout the Great Lakes.

While project planners have already selected the system design, they will seek public input on surrounding dam components, including landscaping and walkways, fishing and river portage options, and a public educational center. “How the project is going to fit into the overall city is one of the major components of this (study),” says Muir. “We want to develop a living laboratory and education center…with in-stream viewing, signage, maybe video projection or a clear window into the river. It’s right in the heart of downtown, so it represents a major opportunity for tourism and education.” Muir notes such a center could easily outpace the tourism numbers of the DNR fish weir in the Warehouse District, which attracts an estimated 10,000 visitors per year.

Following Tuesday’s commission presentation, a public open house will next follow on October 10 at the Governmental Center. At that meeting, residents will be able to see conceptual designs for various dam components and provide feedback on options for the site, according to Muir.

Also at Tuesday’s meeting….
> Commissioners will consider approving a $2.4 million contract with CB&I to construct a new two million-gallon potable water reservoir just east of the city’s existing four-million gallon Barlow Reservoir on LaFranier Road. According to a memo from Director of Municipal Utilities Art Krueger, the new reservoir is necessary in order to take the existing reservoir offline for long-overdue repairs. “It was determined that the existing (reservoir) was too critical to the overall system operation and could not safely be removed from service without jeopardizing the integrity and performance of our distribution system,” Krueger wrote. “The solution deemed most beneficial…was to build the new 2 MG reservoir adjacent to it.” Rehabilitating the existing tank is expected to cost an additional $1 million, with funding for both projects available in the city’s water fund.
> Commissioners will consider approving residents’ request to change the name of the northern half of Barlow Street – stretching from Boyd Street to East Front Street – to Water Street. The request was approved by Grand Traverse County Equalization and had a “favorable response representing over half of the property owners” on the affected section of Barlow Street, according to City Manager Marty Colburn.
> Commissioners will consider approving a conceptual public art project for the Open Space. The Traverse City Arts Commission is seeking support for a temporary installation painted on the “horseshoe” concrete walls surrounding the north quadrant of the Open Space. “The hope is that this project will enhance a space that is already there and create a presence for artwork without obstructing the views of the bay or taking away from the Open Space,” wrote City Clerk Benjamin Marentette in a memo to commissioners. The Arts Commission must get conceptual approval from the city commission before putting out a call for artists and selecting the final artwork for the park, as well as using up to $2,500 from the Public Arts Trust Fund for the project. According to Colburn, “the idea is that this project will be in place for two years, at which point the Arts Commission will consider a new call for art for a replacement.”
> Commissioners will consider spending nearly $12,600 to plant 130 new city trees this fall. While city crews historically plant 60-80 trees every autumn, additional dollars available through the city's stormwater fund this year will support nearly doubling that order, according to Colburn. Another funding request for over $20,000 is expected to follow in the spring to plant another 200-plus trees throughout the city.


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