Traverse City News and Events

GT Band Distributes $722K To Local Organizations

Aug. 25, 2016

The Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa & Chippewa Indians announced the distribution of $722,692 in gaming revenue allocation to local governments and school districts Wednesday. The 33 applicants received funding as part of the Tribe's two percent allocation, which takes place twice per year.

The dollars have been allocated to 33 local applicants. Among this cycle's largest grant recipients are Suttons Bay Public Schools ($100,000) and Traverse City Area Public Schools ($96,000), both for their Indian Education Programs, as well as $50,000 for Grand Traverse County for its newly announced Project Cherry Tree initiative, which aims to expand veteran services in northern Michigan.

A second round of allocations will be announced in December. A complete list of this cycle's grant recipients is below.

First Half 2016 Grant Recipients

Gov’t to Gov’t Agreement - Antrim County: $12,775
Prisoner Housing Contract.

Gov’t to Gov’t Agreement - Benzie County: $19,162.50
Prisoner Housing Contract

Gov’t to Gov’t Agreement - Charlevoix County: $12,775
Prisoner Housing Contract.

Gov’t to Gov’t Agreement - Leelanau County: $63,875
Prisoner Housing Contract.

Boyne City Public Schools: $19,000
Indian Education Program.

Charlevoix Public Schools: $14,000
Indian Education Program.

East Jordan Public Schools: $11,000
Indian Education Program.

Elk Rapids Public Schools: $37,000 
Indian Education Program.

Northport Public School:  $44,000
Indian Education Program.

Suttons Bay Public School: $100,000
Indian Education Program.

Traverse City Area Public Schools: $96,000
Indian Education Program.

Charlevoix Montessori Academy for the Arts: $5,000
Native American Tutoring Program for core subject areas including ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies.

Northwestern Michigan College: $20,000
Funding for additional Native American support services at NMC.

Traverse City Area Public Schools: $3,850.86
Funding for the instructor of Anishinaabemowin at TCAPS to attend a Language Methodology Workshop for Schools.

Traverse City Area Public Schools: $10,000
Funding for the Transition Empowerment Program (STEP), which is a program that ensures the educational rights of families and youth who lack fixed, regular, and adequate housing. The program currently services approximately 520 homeless students and families in residential transition each year due to foreclosure, eviction, loss of income, natural disaster, or similar reasons.

Traverse Bay Intermediate School District: $5,000
Funding for the Junior Achievement Program that fosters work-readiness, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy skills for K-12; the program inspires kids to dream big and reach their potential.

Traverse Bay Intermediate School District: $15,000
Funding for the Michael’s Place program for direct services for support and advocacy for children, teens, and adults grieving the death of loved ones, and educates the community on the impact of grief. 

Antrim County Board of Commissioners: $10,000
Funding for the Antrim County Baby Pantry for the purchase of cribs, mattresses, and layettes for newborns. Their fiduciary agent is the Antrim County Child Abuse and Neglect Council. 

Benzie County Board of Commissioners: $8,850.86
Funding for the Benzie Area Christian Neighbor to offset expenses related to their umbrella programs and services that include food pantry, clothing center, utility assistance, weatherization kits, transportation, medical assistance, and educational opportunities.

Benzie County Board of Commissioners: $29,180.00
Funding for the purchase of LUCAS manual chest compression machines that will be supplied to all of the emergency first responder non-transport and two of the transport services in Benzie County.

Benzie County Board of Commissioners: $5,000
Funding for the Benzie County Council on Aging, to provide home-delivered meal services for seniors 60 years of age and older.

Cedar Area Fire and Rescue: $7,344.76
Funding to purchase thermal imaging cameras and carbon monoxide detectors, which will replace the current outdated equipment.

Charter Township of Garfield: $18,850.86
Funding for the initiatives related to the Historic Barns Park project.

City of Boyne City: $5,000
Funding for the Boyne Area Free Clinic, Inc., which has been serving the uninsured and underinsured population of Northern Michigan since April 2007.

Glen Lake Fire Department: $7,326.10
Funding for the purchase of dash cameras that will help keep the vehicle drivers, riders, and the public safer by providing unbiased records of the driving conditions, surrounding environments and actions of the driver at all times when the vehicle is running.

Grand Traverse County Board of Commissioners: $10,000
Funding for the County Parks and Recreation to enhance the camera system at the Civic Park that interfaces with the Governmental Center. This enhancement will ensure the safety and security of the users of the new playground, which will be located in the southeast quadrant of the park. There is also a need to monitor the Civic Center parking lot and replace older camera at the Skate Park.

Grand Traverse County Board of Commissioners: $50,000
Funding for “Project Cherry Tree,” which will create a full service, community-based network of healthcare and education services for veterans and their families by serving veterans locally rather than requiring them to travel downstate for services. 

Grand Traverse County Board of Commissioners: $5,000
Funding for the Parks and Recreation that will utilize the funds for renovations to the bathroom at Gilbert Lodge located at Twin Lakes Park in Long Lake Township. The upgrade will transform the bathroom to accommodate Americans with Disabilities.

Grand Traverse County Board of Commissioners: $15,000
Funding for the “Traverse City At-Risk Boxing Program,” which promotes physical fitness for at-risk youth through the sport of amateur boxing. It will include individual and group training sessions and supervised afterschool programs; youth are given the opportunity to compete at local, state, and national levels.

Grand Traverse County Board of Commissioners: $18,850.86
Funding for the Women’s Resource Center’s Emergency Shelter Program and Advocacy Support Services. These programs provide safe harbor at the shelter for victims of domestic violence and their children.

Leelanau County Board of Commissioners: $10,000
Funding for the Leelanau Christian Neighbors to fund critical unexpected needs such as medical expenses, legal issues, divorce, job loss, heating bills, short-term financial emergencies.

Leelanau County Board of Commissioners: $12,000 
Funding for the Leelanau County Solid Waste Council for the purchase of two (2) new recycling containers for the recycling program. Additional containers are needed to be able to provide one extra-large container at each site during these busy times.

Star Township Fire Department: $21,850.88
Funding to purchase three (3) 800MHz radios and Firelite Transport System for ATVs that will help to resolve communication issues within the building.

Total 2% 1st Half 2016: $722,692.68


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