Traverse City News and Events

M-72/M-22 Rebuild Set to Begin March 21

By Beth Milligan | March 12, 2025

The largest road construction project on deck for Traverse City in 2025 is set to kick off March 21. That's when the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) will start its 2.2-mile rebuild of M-72 (Grandview Parkway) from Division Street in Traverse City and M-22 (Bay Shore Drive) to Cherry Bend Road in Elmwood Township.

Project work will include "removing the concrete and composite (asphalt over concrete) pavements and restoring the surface condition and ride quality to good condition; drainage improvements, including curb and gutter, storm sewer, and culverts; replacing sidewalks and nonmotorized paths; improvements for local transit buses; upgrading sidewalk ramps to Americans with Disabilities Act standards; building a roundabout at the M-72/M-22 intersection that incorporates the Bay Street intersection; Cherry Bend Road traffic signal upgrades; and improving driveway access management where possible," according to MDOT.

Initial work will focus on the installation of a temporary high intensity activated crosswalk (HAWK) pedestrian crossing signal north of M-72/M-22 intersection, temporary roadway widening in the vicinity of the intersection and along the west side of M-22, traffic signal upgrades at Cherry Bend Road, beginning construction of the new roundabout, and pavement removal on the westbound/northbound lanes.

From late March to mid-May, and from late June to late October, the TART trail on the west side of M-72/M-22 will be closed from Elmwood Avenue to the Leelanau Trail north of the M-72/M-22 intersection. Sidewalks on M-72 in the vicinity of the intersection, and along Bay Street between M-72 and Ramsdell Street, will be closed. The TART trail will be open only for pedestrian and bicycle traffic from Elmwood Avenue to Ramsdell Street to access the signalized crossing at Elmwood Avenue. During these phases, pedestrians and bicyclists will be directed to the HAWK signal at Elmwood Avenue and the temporary HAWK signal north of the M-72/M-22 intersection. The TART trail on the east side of M-72/M-22 will remain open during these phases.

From mid-May to late June, the TART trail on the east side of M-72/M-22 from Division Street to north of the M-72/M-22 intersection, and the TART Trail on the west side of M-72/M-22 from Elmwood Avenue to the M-72/M-22 intersection, will be closed. The signalized crossings across M-72/M-22 intersection will also be closed. During this phase, pedestrians and bicyclists will be detoured on the TART trail on the west side of M-72 between Division Street and Elmwood Avenue, and on the Bay Street sidewalk to a temporary signalized crossing on M-72. 

One lane will be open in each direction on M-72 and M-22 at most times. Some short-term lane closures with traffic regulators will be needed. Bay Street will be closed from M-72 to Ramsdell Street while the roundabout at M-72/M-22 is built. Access to businesses and residences will be maintained through construction. The project is expected to last through mid-November.



M-72/M-22 Rebuild Set to Begin March 21

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