Meatless In Michigan
Nov. 11, 2024
Options for vegetarian and vegan dining have exploded in the last decade, including here in northern Michigan. Long gone are the days where plant-based eaters were relegated to only a salad when dining out. Vegan, vegetarian, or Mediterranean diets (the latter includes some meat and animal products) have been associated with plenty of health benefits - plus, eating less meat is linked with a lower carbon footprint and a reduction in animal agriculture.
For those committed to eating fewer animal products (or none at all), navigating a meat-first world can still be challenging. If you want to start making diet changes, where do you begin? In this week's Northern Express, sister publication of The Ticker, writer Ellen Miller talks with local experts who share guidance on plant-based eating. VegMichigan works to promote the health, ethical, and sustainable benefits of eating more plants, while several area restaurants offer either partial or full vegan menus.
The Northern Express is available to read online, or pick up a free copy on newsstands at nearly 700 spots in 14 counties across northern Michigan.