Traverse City News and Events

On The Radio Dial: WKLT-FM Is Sold

Dec. 27, 2019

Traverse City-based Midwestern Broadcasting, owners of WTCM, WCCW and other radio stations in northern Michigan, has agreed in principle to purchase longtime rock station WKLT, 97.5 FM from Northern Broadcasting. 

The station has a long history in the rock format, from popular morning show hosts, its giant red radio "party trailer" and the lunchtime show "Lunch at the Leetsville Cafe with Terri Ray." The station is part of a six-station group that is being sold-off to various buyers. 

Midwestern Broadcasting General Manager Chris Warren tells The Ticker, "We've enjoyed a friendly, but competitive, relationship with WKLT for over 30 years. The call letters WKLT are renowned in Michigan's radio community, as well as the country's rock-n-roll circles. They've maintained a dominant position in the market with compelling personalities, aggressive event marketing, and unparalleled interaction with the community. We couldn’t be more excited about the addition of WKLT to our group of northern Michigan radio properties.

The deal is expected to close and be approved in February. No purchase price has been disclosed. 


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