Parsons Road To Be Closed To Through Traffic For Two Months For Roundabout Construction
By Beth Milligan | April 20, 2021
Motorists who use Parsons Road to cut between Garfield and Three Mile roads will need to seek an alternate route for two months while crews construct a new roundabout at the Parsons and Airport Access intersection.
The City of Traverse City and the Michigan Department of Transportation have awarded the roundabout construction project to Molon Excavating, Inc. Planned work includes the removal of the existing traffic signals and pavement, roundabout construction, and lighting improvements. Work is expected to start Monday, April 26 and continue through Friday, June 25.
During construction, the intersection will be closed to through traffic. According to City Engineering Technican Jessica Carpenter, "there will still be access to the side roads" along Parsons for those who live in the area, but traffic will be unable to go through the intersection itself. A recommended detour for drivers utilizes Eighth Street and US-31 between Garfield and Three Mile (pictured). For pedestrian and cyclists, access to the TART trail crossing of Airport Access Road will be maintained as much as possible, with a slight detour to the south.